Lincoln Animal Ambassadors offers a spay/neuter assistance program for Lancaster County residents who meet our income eligibility requirements. To have your name added to the Program's wait list, leave a message on our voice mail line at 402-817-1168. An LAA volunteer will respond to your call in order to get the necessary information to issue a voucher for a participating veterinary clinic.
If you are a veterinarian who is interested in joining our fight against pet overpopulation by participating in our spay/neuter program, please leave a message on our voice mail line at 402-817-1168.
Currently donations, fundraisers and grants are the sources of funding for this program. As with all the Lincoln Animal Ambassador's programs, an all-volunteer staff coordinates this program and we do our best to respond in a timely manner.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the spay/neuter assistance program, please mail your donation to:
Lincoln Animal Ambassadors
PO Box 67072
Lincoln, NE 68506.
Apply Now!
How does the Lincoln Animal Ambassador’s Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program work?
Clients can apply for spay/neuter assistance by filling out the form above or leaving a voicemail indicating interest in the low cost spay/neuter program at 402-817-1168. Clients will then be contacted by a volunteer to obtain the necessary information about each pet needing altering. You will need to provide income verification documents with your application. Once your income verification documents have been received, we will issue a voucher as soon as possible. Depending on the number of requests received, volunteer availability, and our funding, it generally takes 5-7 days to process the voucher.
Once the client receives the voucher, it is the client's responsibility to make an appointment with a participating veterinary clinic and bring the pet to the veterinarian's office. Please contact your veterinary office of choice, you will need to let them know you have a Lincoln Animal Ambassadors voucher and confirm that they will accept it before making the appointment. They will need to know how much the voucher has been issued for and the voucher number.
When we return your call, a volunteer will conduct a short phone interview to obtain the necessary information for completing the voucher. Please be aware that our volunteers may be returning your call from a phone number that you aren't familiar with.
After the interview, LAA will email you a form that you can use to securely upload your proof of financial need. If you cannot provide an email address, your documents can also be mailed. You will need to upload or mail the qualifying documents below.
To automatically qualify for financial assistance, you can provide one of the following:
- Currently receiving WIC – with Statement of qualifying benefit period
- Currently receiving Medicaid – with Statement of qualifying benefit period
- Medicaid documents must be provided for the head of household or other adult living in the home.
- Current receiving Food Stamps (SNAP) – with Statement of qualifying benefit period
If you do not have any of the above, you must supply the following in order to be considered for financial assistance.
- Proof of income – Earned and unearned (gross) income for all persons residing in the home. (Gross income is what you have before taxes or anything is taken out. You can show “earned income” with your paycheck stubs for the past month. “Unearned” income is money you get that is not a pay check. This could be child support or unemployment compensation benefits or disability benefits that you get.
- If you are self-employed, you must show a copy of last year’s income tax return.
You must also provide:
- Valid Proof of identity – State issued photo id/driver’s license, a federal, state or local government, or military ID card.
We use the following table to determine income eligibility:

How much will it cost to have my pet altered?
Our vouchers are issued for a given amount that reduces your final cost. Similar to a coupon, all costs beyond the issued value of the voucher are your responsibility. Each client is asked to pay the remaining balance of the procedure; however the final price and included services may vary for each clinic. The amount is based on many different factors such as the breed, age and size of the animal being altered. During the interview, we will collect the information we need to determine the value of your voucher.
Which veterinary clinics accept your vouchers?
We recommend checking with your preferred/current clinic, as some clinics will only accept a voucher from their existing clients.
The following clinics currently accept the vouchers:
Local partners with the lowest total cost:
Stransky Veterinary Center (Dogs)
Capitol Humane Society (Cats)
Local Veterinarians:
Animal Care Clinic
Beatrice Humane Society
Capital Animal Clinic
Cross Creek Animal Health Center (Staplehurst, NE)
Cotner Veterinary Care PC
Ehlers Animal Care
Nebraska Animal Medical Center
Parkview Animal Hospital
Pitts Veterinary Hospital
Superior Veterinary Care PC
Wachal Pet Health Center